About the Journal

Article Processing Charge (APC)

Articles published in the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development are open access and are freely available online to all our readers, without any type of subscription, immediately after publication. Given the high production costs of the journal (domain fee, web page and web maintaining fee, web page backup fee -every 24 hours-, SSL certified fee and other, project 2022 for DOI fee), from 2022, the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development asks the authors to provide, through their research grants or their institution a contribution of US$300.00 (three hundred dollars 00/100) per published paper as a fee of Article Processing Charge (APC). This shall not be in any way a requirement for acceptance and publication of the paper, which will be given by its merits.

The charge

There are no profit motives for APC. The amount to be charged is displayed during submission process of the manuscript. The APC can be revised any time after comprehensive discussion in the editorial board.

Refund policy
Once an article has been accepted for publication, an Article Processing Charge is due. The submitting author assumes responsibility for the Article Processing Charge, and JPACD will not issue refunds of any kind. After acceptance, if anyone does not pay the fee, it will be considered as unethical act and can be proceeded accordingly.

The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development, operates a transparent waiver policy to help support researchers who are unable to meet some or all the cost associated with publishing open access. However, for APC waiver authors are requested to submit the request along with submission on institutional letter head mentioning the reasons for APC waiver. The decisions for waivers will be made in the meeting of editorial board, therefore some delay is expected to start the review process.



Dr. Bernardo Murillo-Amador, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, S.C.


ISO: J. Prof. Assoc. Cactus Dev.


Electronic ISSN: 1938-6648

Indexed in: PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), Scopus, Web of Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, AGRICOLA.






1 issue/year

Manuscript Template (Word)

Manuscript Template (Word) for publishing papers in the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development


Focus and Scope

The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development is an annual journal. The main objective is to publish original scientific articles conducted by specialists in the Cactaceaes and near family species community around the world. All sections are subject to a peer-review evaluation process, in the double-blind mode. It is available digitally for consultation in Open Access System. The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development began as the dissemination mean of the Professional Association for Cactus Development since September 1996; however, has never been limited to publishing the results of the research conducted around the world. The Editorial Board of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development are very excited to be a part of the excellent editorial committee and to work together to create the synergism between scientists, growers, legislators, and businesspeople so vital to the development of the Cactaceaes and near family species to serve the people of arid and semiarid lands. The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development publish in English. Published contributions are the sole responsibility of the authors. The partial or total reproduction of this journal is authorized, citing it as a source of information. This multidisciplinary Open-Access journal is at the forefront of disseminating and communicating scientific knowledge and impactful discoveries to researchers, academics, policy makers and the public worldwide.


The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development has an editorial team (Statistical Editors) dedicated exclusively to review the sections of the experimental design and statistical analysis of the manuscripts that are received on the OJS platform. In that context, the journal requires that all statements about quantitative differences be based on quantitative data and statistical tests. Statistical analyzes are required to be applied for independent experiments. The number of independent samples and the deviation parameters (e.g., standard error of the mean, standard deviation, confidence intervals) should be clearly indicated in the methods or figure legends. In general, technical replications within a single experiment are not considered independent samples. Descriptions of statistical analyzes or procedures must include the software and analyzes used and must be detailed enough to be reproduced. Likewise, in the section corresponding to the experimental design used, the authors must specifically indicate the experimental design used, indicate the number of times that the experiment was carried out, the number of replications of the experimental units (in general, at least n = 3), as well as the specific statistical analysis that was carried out.

Content significance

The content of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development is of interest, importance, and value for its readers, since the main topic it addresses on cactaceae development, conservation, and preservation, including all species associated to the cactaceae family or themes related to arid or semiarid zones around the world. The quantity of journals that publish these themes is raised by only 0.03 % of the international journals included in InCites Journal Citation Reports of ClarivateTM. The content of the journal is displayed on specialized topics, with a new perspective, regional, national, and international focus that undoubtedly enriches the breadth of coverage.

Timeliness/Publication volume

The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development has the Continuous Publication system. Continuous Publication consists of abandoning the idea of gathering articles in numbers and volumes of a journal that is published at regular intervals and moving to one in which each approved article is published individually online so that the scientific community has access to it. as soon as possible. In general terms, with continuous publication, it is possible to eliminate periodicities by adopting as the only publication period the year of publication corresponding to the volume. The main advantage is the speed in the process of arbitration and publication of the articles in the journal. All papers published annually are within ranges appropriate to the subject area of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development.

Authors affiliation details

All publications in the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development are accurately identified. Publications include full names and institutional affiliations, including country / region, of all contributing authors. Additionally, the ORCID number of the authors is provided as a digital identifier or the links to institutional profiles that specify the identity and affiliation of the authors is included.

Authors role

The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development, for the sake of clarity, transparency, and to give authors the credit they deserve, is now including an Author Contributions section in all primary research paper issued. We endorse the Project CRediT taxonomy of contributor roles which is available at https://casrai.org/credit/.

The JPACD Editorial Board will require that the corresponding author disclose the statement at the time of manuscript submission describing the roles exerted by each contributor as follows:






Ideas; formulation or evolution of overarching research goals and aim.


Data curation

Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), scrub data and maintain research data (including software code, where it is necessary for interpreting the data itself) for initial use and later re-use.


Formal analysis

Application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyses or synthesize study data.


Funding acquisition

Acquisition of the financial support for the project leading to this publication.



Conducting a research and investigation process, specifically performing the experiments, or data/evidence collection.



Development or design of methodology; creation of models.


Project administration

Management and coordination responsibility for the research activity planning and execution.



Provision of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computing resources, or other analysis tools.



Programming, software development; designing computer programs; implementation of the computer code and supporting algorithms; testing of existing code components.



Oversight and leadership responsibility for the research activity planning and execution, including mentorship external to the core team.



Verification, whether as a part of the activity or separate, of the overall replication/reproducibility of results/experiments and other research outputs.



Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically visualization/data presentation.


Writing – original draft

Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically writing the initial draft (including substantive translation).


Writing – review & editing

Preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work by those from the original research group, specifically critical review, commentary, or revision – including pre- or post-publication stages.

Authors distribution

In the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development is sought that the authors of the publications have affiliations whose geographic diversity and publication record validate their participation in the academic community associated with the scope of the journal.

Ethical Guidelines

The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development (JPACD) is committed to respecting and complying with the principles of transparency and good practices in academic publications in accordance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE https://publicationethics.org/) and is governed by its principles. In general terms, Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development Code of Ethics refers to the integrity of the Editorial Committee, the Reviewers and the Authors, and under this argument, Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development forces the Editorial Committee to act with objectivity and transparency in the review process, so the Authors, whose manuscripts are authentic and original, and all those involved are required not to incur in scientific fraud.

The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development takes issues related to publishing ethics very seriously. Generally speaking, authors are expected to adhere to ethical standards with respect to attribution of authorship, conflicts of interest, respect for ethical considerations in the use of human and experimental animal participants, disclosures of financial support, and participation in the peer review process. In addition, cases of invalid or fraudulent data, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, similarity, and dual submissions will constitute grounds for rejection. Of course, Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development editors and reviewers are expected to comply with ethical standards regarding conflicts of interest, confidentiality of reviewed articles, objective evaluation of work and preservation of the anonymity of reviewers until acceptance, in addition to refraining from coercive dating. Editors have the authority and responsibility for the acceptance of articles. While Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development strives for transparency regarding the identity of reviewers and editors, external publication of review reports or discussions of the review process is strictly prohibited. As contributions made to the interactive review process come from different parties, the decision to share these contributions is not the reservation of either party.

Corrections policies

The Editorial Team of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development have the responsibility to correct scientifically relevant errors in previously published articles. The corrections more common that we attend are related to a small section of an otherwise reliable publication proves to be misleading; or there is an error in a figure that does not alter the conclusions; or there is an error in statistical data not altering conclusions; or there are mislabeled figures; or if the authors/contributors list is incorrect when a deserving author has been omitted or somebody who does not meet authorship criteria has been included. To address any of these corrections or any other, an email must be sent to Dr. Tomás Rivas García (trivas@pg.cibnor.mx), indicating the incorrect section, as well as the corresponding correction.

Erratum policies

The policies of erratum of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development refers to a correction of errors introduced to the article by the editor or editorial team. All changes introduced by the editor are highlighted to the author at the proof stage or galley and any errors should be identified by the author and should be corrected by the editor before final publication. The authors who notice an error should immediately contact by e-mail to Dr. Tomás Rivas García (trivas@pg.cibnor.mx) indicating the error detected in the publication, adding all the identification data of the paper published.

Retractations policies

According to the Committee on Publication Ethics (https://publicationethics.org/), the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development abides by their guidelines and recommendations in cases of potential retraction. The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development also abides by two other key principles, as recommended by COPE: retractions are not about penalizing authors; retraction statements should be public and linked to the original, retracted article. All potential retractions will be judged on their own merits and will be the subject of an internal investigation or were satisfactory, the recommendations from the institutional investigation of the author(s). The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development as other international journals, considers the following reasons as giving cause for concern and potential retraction: clear evidence that findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g. data fabrication) or honest error (e.g. miscalculation or experimental error); findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper attribution, permission or justification (i.e. cases of redundant publication); major plagiarism or auto plagiarism; the reporting of unethical research, the publication of an article that did not have the required ethics or bioethics committee approval; legal issues pertaining to the content of the article, e.g. libelous content; major authorship issues, i.e. proven or strongly suspected cases of ghostwriting or sold (‘gift’) authorship; politically motivated articles where objectivity is a serious concern; the singling out of individuals or organizations for attack; faith issues (e.g. intelligent design); papers that have made extraordinary claims without concomitant scientific or statistical evidence (e.g. pseudoscience). When any reader, author or member of the editorial committee detects articles published in the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development that may require retraction, they should immediately contact the authors of the article and send an email to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development (bmurillo04@cibnor.mx), making sure to include copies of all correspondence with authors.

Conflict of interest

For the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development and according to other international journals, a conflict of interest can be anything potentially interfering with, or that could be perceived as interfering with, full and objective peer review, decision-making or publication of articles submitted to the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development. The personal, financial, and professional affiliations or relationships can be perceived as conflicts of interest. All authors and members of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development Editorial Board are required to disclose any actual and potential conflicts of interest at submission or upon accepting an editorial or review assignment. Failure to declare competing interests can result in the rejection of a manuscript. If an undisclosed competing interest comes to light after publication, the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development will act in accordance with internal policies and Committee on Publication Ethics guidelines. Anything that can be perceived as a potential conflict of interest should be disclosed within the statements section, during submission, which will be included in the file of the version of the final publication of the paper.

Editorial Committee

The Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Committee of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development have the following responsibilities:

  • Work to maintain the good reputation of the journal, promoting only publication of original, relevant scientific and technological papers concerning the field of Cactaceaes and near family species;
  • Publish on time and in proper form the annual volume of the journal;
  • Determine if feasible, in terms of their relevance and adherence to the journal format, for the received manuscripts to continue in the arbitration process of arbitration;
  • Ensure that national and international researchers directly related to the subject of the manuscript will conduct the reviewer process;
  • Review the decisions of the referees/reviewers to take the final decision, and when the manuscript is rejected, communicate the reason(s) to the author(s);
  • Preserve anonymity of both the author(s) and reviewers as well as the editors;
  • Respect author´s right of reply concerning the arbitration process and the opinions of the submitted manuscript;
  • Provide the authors with timely information about the state of their contribution from reception until its acceptance or rejection;
  • Show transparency and respect toward the author(s) with an open attitude in terms of listening to their questions and answering accurately.


The reviewers of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development have the following commitments:

  • Maintain confidentiality regarding the manuscript received for evaluation in terms of spreading by any means its content, the authors’ names, as well as the reviewer’s resolution;
  • Review and rule on only those contributions related to their research area(s);
  • Read the manuscript meticulously expressing objective observations and constructive criticism;
  • Avoid using disrespectful language;
  • Issue a ruling, pointing out in the revised text or attached document (no name or signature) where the manuscript can be improved or the reasons the reviewed contribution should not be published;
  • Comply with arbitration time (maximum three weeks) permitted for delivery to the Associate Editor, the comments, observations, the attached document (if applicable) and the decision format, properly completed;
  • Be available to the Associate Editor, Editor-in-Chief, Format Editor, Administrative Executive to clarify or explain any doubt.

Associate Editors

  • Protect the confidentiality of the arbitration process, ensuring the anonymity of the reviewers and authors;
  • Continually improve quality standards in the selection of manuscripts, reviewers, and the review process, always considering the scientific relevance of the manuscript, its originality, clarity and pertinence;
  • Carry out the review process and opinion of the manuscripts and their content without distinction based on race, gender, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation or political philosophy of the authors;

The decision of the editor to accept or reject a manuscript for publication must be based on scientific relevance and originality.


The author(s) who submit articles for publication to the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development have the following commitments:

  • Send unreleased contributions, i.e. work that has not been published or in the process of being published in another journal;
  • Submit outstanding scientific and technological contributions related to the Cactaceaes and near family species, properly drafted and with data (charts, graphics, images, etc.) that support the proposed hypotheses;
  • Notify the Editor-in-Chief when a contribution is submitted with initial or partial data of a study to treat it as a Technical Note;
  • Notify the Editor-in-Chief when a contribution is a historical type or a review to handle it as Letter to the Editor;
  • Follow invariably the Author’s Guide, which is available on the journal website;
  • Always give credit to the sources consulted and avoid plagiarizing data or text contributions;
  • Cite author’s own ideas published in previous papers, avoiding excess to promote criticism and discussion when contrasting with ideas of other authors. The maximum similitude index accepted in the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development is 15%;
  • Provide full and accurate information of the references consulted, following the format given in the Author’s Guide;
  • Consider, in all seriousness, comments and recommendations from referees and Associate Editor, Editor-in-Chief or Technical Editor;
  • Send promptly the information or clarifications requested by the Associate Editor, Editor-in-Chief or Format Editor;
  • Show respect for the Associate Editor, Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board of the journal, even when the decision is not favorable;
  • Send the respective deposit voucher of the publishing costs promptly when requested by the Editor-in-Chief, Technical Editor or Format Editor of the journal;
  • Always be available to answer any question put forth by the Associate Editor, Editor-in-Chief, Format Editor or Technical Editor.

Equity and Non-discrimination

All manuscripts received in the Open Journal System (OJS) platform of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development are subject to evaluation based on their research originality and quality. The Editorial Board of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development does not favor any potential authors, nor do they discriminate against any potential authors regardless of nationality, race, sex, or for any other reason or condition. Any non-compliance with these principles declared by resolution of the competent authority will be considered as indicating.

The Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development, in forming the Editorial Board group, considers the principles of equity and non-discrimination, particularly taking care of gender equity.

Open Access Policy 

According the web information (Peter Suber) Open-access (OA) literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. What makes it possible is the internet and the consent of the author or copyright-holder. The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development’ philosophy is that all investigation and scientific studies are for the benefit of human race. For this reason, the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development provides online free and open access to all its scientific publications. The Editorial Board and the Professional Association for Cactus Development affirm that research is the product of an investment by society and consequently its products should be returned to all people without frontiers or discrimination, assisting society universally and in a transparent approach

Publishing Fees Policy (Article Processing Charge (APC)

The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development had never applied publication charges. This policy had been maintained from the beginning (1996) when the Professional Association for Cactus Development was created until 2021.

Articles published in the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development are open access and are freely available online to all our readers, without any type of subscription, immediately after publication. Given the high production costs of the journal (domain fee, web page and web maintaining fee, web page backup fee -every 24 hours-, SSL certified fee and other), from 2022, the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development asks the authors to provide, through their research grants or their institution a contribution of US$300.00 (three hundred dollars) per published paper as a fee of Article Processing Charge (APC). This shall not be in any way a requirement for acceptance and publication of the paper, which will be given by its merits.

The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development offer an Open Access System that provides free and immediate online access to the scholarly literature for anyone in the world to distribute, reuse, and read. The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development, as an Open Access publisher, could offsets all the costs associated with our high-quality publishing service through the Article Processing Charge (APC) of all published papers in JPACD. This APC fee can be from funders, institutions, or the same authors of the papers.

Peer Review Process

The contributions received are subjected to a first review, in terms of quality and format according to the requirements of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development; first by the technical editor, the editor-in-chief and the associate editors. In this first instance, the contribution may be rejected for lack of quality and adequate format, for similarity, plagiarism, or self-plagiarism, for not complying with the theme of the journal. If the article meets the aforementioned requirements, is submitted to three reviewers, in the so-called double-blind, neither the author knows the reviewers, nor do they have knowledge of who the authors or the institutions are to which they belong. Subsequently, based on the decision of the reviewers (two out of three), it is accepted with minimal, major, or rejected changes. In case of being accepted with changes, the author must make them, and the reviewers will check the writing again to determine if the pertinent changes were made. At the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development the objective of the peer review process is to maximize the quality of the manuscript while guaranteeing the authors' rights to submit their work for a rigorous, constructive, and transparent review process. Peer review is carried out by active researchers and academics, carefully appointed by the Editorial Committee of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development in accordance with strict criteria of excellence, and who certify the precision and validity of the research with their names in the published article. Peer review focuses on objective criteria for the validity and quality of the work presented. Likewise, it is rigorous, fair, constructive, responsible, and transparent for all those involved. Of course, peer review should be efficient. Efficiency is achieved by developing on the OJS platform, an online, collaborative discussion forum between authors, reviewers, and the responsible associate editor and providing comprehensive quality service to all participants in the review process. All contributions, without exception, undergo the same rigorous review process.

The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development has maintained strict quality standards for manuscripts and the peer review process through clear criteria. When a manuscript exceeds the criteria, it is accepted and rejected when it does not exceed them. the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development´s peer review process judges the value and validity of submitted studies through rigorous quality controls. Associate Editors are accredited to make content decisions; they are charged with recommending rejection at any time; they make the acceptance decisions, and any decision is notified to the Editor-in-Chief. The Technical Editor, with the Editor Assistant´s, can also reject those manuscripts that due to some involuntary errors of omission were not previously rejected, thereby ensuring that the peer review was rigorous and that the publication is of high quality.

Transparent review. To ensure rigorous and objective reviews, the identities of the reviewers remain anonymous during the review process. The name of the Associate Editor remains visible throughout the arbitration/evaluation or review process. The process allows reviews to be conducted in a constructive manner, with associate editors and reviewers having a level of responsibility and accountability for the document by providing rigorous feedback that provides a publication of the highest quality.

Rigorous review. The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development provides a review questionnaire template that is located on the OJS platform, with the purpose of systematically conducting reviews in this template. The review focuses solely on the quality of both the research and the manuscript and aims to provide constructive comments to bring the final article to a better quality. This process allows for a fair, rapid, complete, and comparable research evaluation.

Acceptance criteria. The quality standards of a manuscript that allow the Editorial Board and the reviewers of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development to accept a publication, is based mainly on basic criteria for the publication of scientific studies, such as clear and adequate language and presentation, for example, complying with editorial standards presentation of tables and figures; the manuscript must be in accordance with the editorial and ethical standards of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development; the methodology must be transparent and correct, with a well-established experimental design, correctly applied statistical analyzes and a detailed description of the study materials; The bibliographic references must be sufficient, recent and with coverage relevant to the main subject of the manuscript, which must consider a hypothesis and a specific question, with a relevant theory on the subject of study.

Rejection criteria. Basically, a contribution can be rejected at any stage before the paper is published, even during initial validation, peer review, final validation and, if problems are identified at a late stage, also after acceptance. In general terms, those manuscripts that do not meet the acceptance criteria should be rejected; However, it is important to establish clarity in the rejection criteria that are mainly limited to the following: when the manuscript does not conform to editorial and ethical policies, for example, it is not original, it is duplicated, it is plagiarized or self-plagiarized; the presentation in terms of the language is not of sufficient quality for the review process to be carried out strictly and rigorously; there are errors in the methodology, for example, the experimental design is not correct, the statistical analyzes are not appropriate for the study data and in this matter, the collaboration of the Statistical Editors of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development is essential; the presentation of the manuscript does not allow to elucidate if there is a hypothesis or research question with scientific validity, that is, the research question is pseudoscientific; the conclusions are not in accordance with the objectives or are biased by incorrect analysis; references in the text do not reflect the current state of knowledge in the study area or are very local, that is, the access to references is not possible; the study carried out violates the ethical policies not only of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development, but also those internationally recognized, for example, privacy protection, studies with living beings, among others; evidence is presented in the results obtained whose precision and reliability is very low, with the possibility that the data were falsified or fabricated and that the tables, figures and images present fraudulent manipulation.

Grant support details

Authors submitting their contributions to the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development are required to provide appropriate acknowledgment to the sources of funding for their research.

Appropriate citations to the literature

The Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development requires authors that in all contributions submitted to the OJS platform must grant adequate recognition to the literature that encompasses the subject of the submitted contribution.

Plagiarism, self-plagiarism, overlap and similarity index

The use of someone else’s ideas or words in their original form or slightly changed without a proper citation is considered plagiarism and will not be tolerated in the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development. Even if a citation is given, if quotation marks are not placed around words taken directly from another author’s work, the author is still guilty of plagiarism. All manuscripts received in the platform of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development are sent to iThenticate®, a software or plagiarism control system, which compares the content of the manuscript and confirms the originality of the content presented. This software contrasts the manuscripts by comparing them with millions in the database of web pages and academic publications such as scientific papers and other notable sources. In this process, the iThenticate® software provides a report with a similarity index which specifies (1) a total similarity percentage from the sum of the percent similarity of individual articles, books, etc. published previously and (2) the report also provides a PDF file with the phrases that were copied with its reference. Some of the criteria for reviewing the similarity index of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development are the following: a) References with an individual similarity index greater than 1% are considered to be the ideal case and are considered as having no overlap or plagiarism, even though the total similarity of all individuals summed up could possibly exceed 15%; b) The bibliography section is also checked and should not list verbatim all the references without a single new one from another article, this is not considered as plagiarism per se, but it is considered that author has simply used the reference of another published article without doing any original research, the goal is to publish original research manuscript with original research; c) In some cases, the same name is used for variables, varieties, among others, which are determined in computing the similarity index; however, these will not be considered as plagiarism, nor as self-plagiarized; d) As a general rule the total similarity index without the bibliography and references, should be equal to or less than 15%; however larger total numbers will be considered in a case by case basis. In the event that overlap, or similarity is detected, the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development will notify the corresponding author as part of the review procedure of the manuscript. The corresponding author, in case of agreeing to continue with the review process, is obligated to modify the manuscript and reduce the similarity index. If the authors insist on not modifying their manuscript and send it to the platform of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development without making the changes, this document will be judged as plagiarized or self-plagiarized, supported by the iThenticate® and will not be considered for publication. The decision on rejection for plagiarism, self-plagiarism, overlap and similarity index of a submitted manuscript depends on the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development, supported by the review of the Associate Editor or the rest of the members of the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development. When a similarity is not detected no action will be required by the corresponding author, that is, he or she will not receive any notification in this regard and the manuscript will be sent to the Associate Editors for their evaluation. In agreement with COPE guidelines, the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development expects that original wording taken directly from publications by other researchers should appear in quotation marks with the appropriate citations. This condition also applies to an author’s own work.


Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development

The Editor-in-Chief is a researcher at Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, S.C. located at  Avenida Instituto Politécnico Nacional No. 195. Colonia Playa Palo de Santa Rita Sur. LA PAZ, BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR. MEXICO. Zip Code 23096

Principal Contact


Dr. Bernardo Murillo Amador

Resarcher at Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, S.C.



Support Contact

Dr. Tomas Rivas-García



The editors of the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development, are very excited to be a part of the excellent Editorial Board and to work together to create the synergism between scientists, growers, legislators, and business people so vital to the development of this industry to serve the people of arid lands.

Published volumes are numbered consecutively.

The journal was not published in 1999, 2000 and 2002.

Copying all or parts of this document for resale requires written permission of the Professional Association for Cactus Development.

Copyright © 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 by the Professional Association for Cactus Development.

All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.

ISSN 1938-6648 - Electronic

ISSN 1938-663X - Printing
