The addition of three different levels of cactus pear (Opuntia ficusindica) to the diet of Holstein cows and its effect on milk production in the dry season
Cactus pear, dairy cattle, production.Abstract
The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of adding three differing levels of Opuntia
ficus-indica (OFI) to the diet of Holstein cows in a period of drought and its influence on milk
production (MP). Six cows with an average of 56.9 days on milk were subjected to a
replicated Latin square design (3 x 3). The cows were assigned to two groups, each group
(n=3) was fed with three different diets containing 10, 20 and 30 kg cow-1 d-1. The feed was
giving in alternating cycles of seven-day cactus pear diet and seven-day rest period, in which,
there was not cactus pear supplementation. Fresh cactus pear was cut into pieces
(approximately 5 x 5 cm) and given to the cows, within seven days after being harvested.
Resultant data were analyzed using the least squares methodology: statistical differences
between treatments means were performed by the Tukey test. The group, week (group) and
cows (group) did not affect the MP (P>0.05); however, treatment did affect the MP
(P=0.0042). The diet containing 10 and 20 kg d-1 of cactus pear improved the MP: 12.182 and
12.716 kg milk d-1, respectively; both being statistically equal (P>0.05); however, these
means were different (P<0.05) when compared to the diet containing 30 kg d-1 of cactus pear,
which decreased MP (11.026 kg milk cow-1 d-1). Therefore, diets containing 10 or 20 kg cow-1
d-1 were the best choice to maintain herd productivity during the dry season.