Changes in physical and chemical properties of Opuntia dillenii fruits during the growing stages


  • Amal A. Gaballah
  • Hassan El - Sayed Embaby
  • Yahya S. Hame
  • Salah K. El - Samahy



This study was conducted to enlarge the knowledge about the changes in physical and
chemical properties of Opuntia dillenii fruits during the growing stages. Significant increases
were observed in weight of ten fruits, ratio of pulp/peel, seeds percentage, firmness, width
and length. In addition, the levels of total soluble solids, total sugars, reducing sugars,
ascorbic acid, total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity significantly increased, but
the pH decreased. In addition, the maximum values of the properties were observed at 210
DAFB (Days After Full Bloom). The content of betalains significantly increased and the
maximum value was 100.47 mg /100 g at 210 DAFB. However, the content of total
chlorophylls significantly decreased and the lowest level was 1.65 mg / L at 210 DAFB. Also,
the highest level of (a*) and the lowest level of (b*) were recorded at 210 DAFB. Therefore,
the Opuntia dillenii fruits should be harvested at 210 DAFB under the Egyptian conditions.



06-05-2016 — Updated on 20-06-2020



Scientific Papers