Rejection of Published Contributions: Includes Preprints


To all authors of the Journal of the Profession Association for Cactus Development

Dear Colleagues:

Regarding the Procedure for Receiving Submissions to the Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development (JPACD),  reiterated that contributions submitted to the JPACD should NOT be published or in the process of being referred in other Journals. This requirement includes those academic publications called "prepublication" or "preprints", which is a version of an academic or scientific article that precedes formal peer review and publication in an academic or scientific journal. Any contribution received on the OJS platform of JPACD that is determined that was published in another journal, including "preprints", will be rejected and in some cases, the author’s registration will be canceled and none of them will be able to submit contributions for 12 months.

Kind regards

Editorial Committee

Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development